Roy Betts
3 min readMar 14, 2021


Forget New Normal

By Roy Betts

I stopped saying, “New Normal” some time ago. I mean can we honestly say what we considered “normal” was actually “normal.” Is it normal to use the restroom and not wash your hands? Is it normal to break down a healthy immune system that is designed to ward off diseases and viruses by polluting your body with alcohol, drugs (prescribed and unprescribed), nicotine and unhealthy food? Don’t get me wrong, I like an occasional beer or a glass of wine but drinking to the point of drunkenness and addiction is not what the doctor ordered.

If that’s “normal,” I can’t say I want to return to that so-called “normal.” Was it “normal” to pack people in large sporting arenas and stadiums so they could spread germs when shouting cheers or obscenities at their favorite sporting event?

Forget “New Normal.” Let’s say “New Reality.”

The “New Reality” of facemasks. The “New Reality” of handwashing. The “New Reality” of eating healthier and exercising to strengthen one’s immune system. The “New Reality” of becoming more spiritual and believing that God is not pleased with man’s and woman’s dominion over the Earth realm.

I believe “New Normal” is too finite. On the other hand, “New Reality” is infinite. If we as human beings get it right, we have an opportunity to extend life while here on earth by becoming healthier and improving the environment. Climate change is real. Our bad behaviors are catching up with us. We are rapidly reaching the point of no return with respect to addressing the changes in our environment. The “New Reality” gives us that opportunity.

Also, vaccinations are the “New Reality.” Add COVID-19 to the list of things that can make you sick or kill you in this country. The flu vaccine is an element of the “New Reality.” Now add a vaccine to curb COVID-19.

Also, I believe healthier human beings on earth will help us to resist future viruses that may be headed our way. We need to be prepared and take the necessary precautions now while it’s not too late. In many respects COVID-19 is a prelude for what’s coming. The mutations are happening. What’s the next plague that’s lurking because we are refusing to take care of our bodies and purify our minds to live better lives?

We are so divided as a nation right now, it’s really no telling what’s headed our way as a country. Forget threats from abroad, we’re imploding from within. COVID-19 is giving us an opportunity to get it right as individuals and collectively as one nation. How many times did I hear as a child, “Together we stand, divided we fall?”

Is this truly the best we can be as a people? I would not like to believe this is the best. I’d like to believe the best is yet to come for our children and yet-unborn children and grandchildren.

Let’s focus on the “New Reality” and not concentrate on the “New Norm.” The reality is we have a chance to build a better America. We can start by living healthier and we can pay reparations to Black Americans for free labor and skills of slaves who built this country. That’s the “New Reality.” If we can’t pay the debt owed Black Americans, we can forget the return to a so-called “New Normal.” Pay the debt and let the healing process begin.



Roy Betts

Howard University Alum, Memphis, TN, native, Father, Loves Life